Coverages for Farmowners
Dwelling & Personal Property
This coverage helps pay for damages to the physical structure of your home, its contents, and anything permanently attached, like your garage.
Personal Structures
This coverage helps pay for damages to structures that are for personal use, like a detached garage or backyard fence.
Loss of Use
If your home is damaged and you can no longer safely live there, this coverage will reimburse you for expenses while you live somewhere else (like a hotel) while your house is repaired.
Farm Buildings
This coverage helps pay for damages to structures that are used for farm operations, like a barn or silo.
Personal & Farm Liability
This coverage provides protection if you’re found legally liable to have caused bodily injury or property damage to someone else.
Medical Payments
This coverage provides protection from injuries that occur at your residence (e.g. a friend slipped on your icy stairs).
Equipment Breakdown
This coverage protects you from financial setbacks if essential farming equipment fails.
Coverages for Non-Owned/Rental Farms
Rental Dwellings
This coverage reimburses you if the contents in your rental home are damaged, destroyed, lost, or stolen.
Loss of Earnings
This coverage protects you from profit loss if equipment that's essential to your farming operations fails.
Personal & Farm Structures
This coverage helps pay for damages to structures that are for personal use (e.g. detached garage) and farm use (e.g. barn).
Personal Liability
This coverage provides protection if you’re found legally liable to have caused bodily injury or property damage to someone else.
Medical Payments
This coverage provides protection from injuries that occur at your residence (e.g. a friend slipped on your icy stairs).
Coverages for Country Estates
The Country Estate policy offers the same coverage as the farmowners policy but with smaller limits.
Dwelling & Personal Property
This coverage helps pay for damages to the physical structure of your home, its contents, and anything permanently attached, like your garage.
Personal Structures
This coverage helps pay for damages to structures that are for personal use, like a detached garage or backyard fence.
Loss of Use
If your home is damaged and you can no longer safely live there, this coverage will reimburse you for expenses while you live somewhere else (like a hotel) while your house is repaired.
Farm Buildings
This coverage helps pay for damages to structures that are used for farm operations, like a barn or silo.
Personal & Farm Liability
This coverage provides protection if you’re found legally liable to have caused bodily injury or property damage to someone else.
Medical Payments
This coverage provides protection from injuries that occur at your residence (e.g. a friend slipped on your icy stairs).
Equipment Breakdown
This coverage protects you from financial setbacks if essential farming equipment fails.
File a Claim
When the unexpected happens, Fremont Insurance is by your side to help you reclaim whatever you lost. We’re committed to ensuring a smooth claims experience by keeping you informed every step of the way.